Listed here are common questions we receive from prospective VIA IV investors. For additional investor information please contact us during business hours:

What is the minimum amount I can invest?

Due to essential start-up and rebalancing fees, the minimum amount to invest in a VIA IV portfolio is $250,000. Given the broadly-allocated construction of portfolios, this amount is a "threshold" below which the Advisor feels it would not make economic sense to participate in the program.

How do I add investment monies to my VIA IV Portfolio?

Once your threshold investment amount is met, additional funds in any amount can be sent directly to your Fidelity Investments account.

How do I withdraw money from my account?

When you open an account, you have the option to receive checks from Fidelity or write your own checks against the cash amount in your account. If you wish greater amounts, contact the Advisor to liquidate some of your holdings to create more cash in your account.

How do I contact the Advisor?

Your VIA IV Advisor will be available to you by phone and email, and should you wish a face-to-face meeting, at VIA IV's offices by appointment.

How do I view or access my account at Fidelity?

Simply click on the "Investor Login" button at the bottom of this page to arrive at and login to see your account.

What are VIA IV fees and how are they paid?

VIA IV’s annual fee is based on a percentage of assets under management. Fees are .90 percent for portfolios under $500,000, .80 percent for the next $500,000, .70 percent for the next $1 million, .60 percent for the next $2 million, and .50 percent for amounts over $4 million. This fee is paid monthly in arrears, and if the account is closed mid month, no fees will be paid for that month. This fee is separate from any fees charged by the asset classes in your portfolio. See next question...

What are transaction fees to start the portfolio and rebalance commissions? Are these paid to VIA IV?

No, these are custodial fees charged by Fidelity Investments. The fees are approximately $40 for each mutual fund purchase/sale, and $20 for each exchange traded fund (ETF) purchase. The total startup and rebalancing fee is approximately $350.

How often does VIA IV rebalance the portfolios?

For accounts less than $1.0 million, rebalancing is annual. For accounts with balances greater than $1.0 million, rebalancing is quarterly, near the first business day of each new quarter (1/01, 4/01, 7/01, 10/01).

Why are accounts with less than $1.0 million rebalanced less frequently?

The rebalancing fees are too high in relation to the account size to make it economically beneficial. Note: returns of accounts greater than and less than $1.0 million should nonetheless be very similar over time.

Who has custody of my funds?

Fidelity Investments is the sole custodian; each investor receives statements directly from Fidelity. VIA IV's role is to compose the portfolios and never has access to investor funds.